Improve Deep Sleep, Induce Relaxation Response and Go from Stress to Rest in Just 2 Seconds Every Day

If you hate the sound of your alarm clock, your body is trying to tell you something...

Do you dread the alarm going off in the morning, wishing for just a little more sleep?

And when the weekend comes, do you still try to catch up on sleep but you still feel groggy and dizzy?

You see, the way you feel isn't determined only by the amount of sleep you get, but also by its quality...

This might sound odd, considering that everyone focuses on the 'sweet spot' of 8 hours per night...

I came to this realization after having sleep issues myself and experiencing how quickly my mood and energy changed.

For years, I thought that awful mornings combined with brain fog are just a part of adulthood...

Lack of sleep was slowly turning the people around me into zombies

And nobody even noticed!

No matter who I talked to in the morning, I always noticed two things:

  • They had no idea why they woke up several times a night and struggled to fall back asleep
  • They became dependent on at least two coffees before noon to wake up, and their tolerance would only grow

I did the same, but it was only a temporary fix to a persistent problem...

I could never understand how everybody considered it “normal.”

But I didn't know any better back then.

Sleeping pills and medications followed by coffee seemed like the only solution...

My name is Stefan Apostolov.

I am the founder of Zonia, a health and wellness platform that helps tens of thousands of people find science-backed, natural ways to support their health, sleep better, and lead a happier disease-free life.

But many people also know me as the director and producer of the Oscar contender, “Life in Four Seasons” short film.

I was born in Bulgaria...

Ever since I can remember, my parents had various sleep issues, and they'd both rely on pharmaceuticals just to get a few hours of rest every night.

My mother kept on taking sleeping pills, but they aren't meant for regular use...

She just couldn't accept the fact that these pills were getting her into a vicious addiction cycle that was difficult to get out of...

My dad was also on medications, and they worked almost too well, but there was one problem...

The potential side effects were almost endless, and these drugs would backfire during the day...

It was either deal with the side effects of the pills, or not get any sleep at all

"Trouble with falling asleep and maintaining deep sleep is inevitable as you age."

I'd hear that a lot from my friends, whose parents were in a similar situation.

But even my sister kept saying how sleep problems wouldn't allow her to be fully present for her family and career.

There's nothing worse than going through your day feeling exhausted, and by the time you're finally awake, it's almost evening again...

Thousands of people are stuck in this vicious cycle, and their busy lives don't allow them to take a day off...

Seeing all my close ones struggle made me realize one thing...

Sleep issues are not inevitable when you age...

But aging is inevitable when you have sleep issues.

  • ...bags under the eyes
  • ...anxiety ramping up
  • drive and motivation
  • ...constant brain fog & fatigue
  • ...hormonal imbalances & low libido

All these things add up, and lead to even bigger problems.

Lack of adequate sleep affects not only our physical body, but the mind as well.

Years of sleep deprivation result in brain damage, because our organs don't have enough time to regenerate.

All the vital rejuvenation happens during deep sleep, which repairs muscles, strengthens the immune system, and leaves us refreshed in the morning.

If you feel robbed of your energy even in the early morning, this means one thing — your organs are trying to send you a big wake-up call.

Ignoring it and suppressing the symptoms with drugs and coffee can only work for so long, until you notice the first signs of cognitive decline...

PLUS, everybody considers them 'normal'...

Memory issues, hyper sensitivity, depression and lack of willpower are just the beginning of neurodegeneration.

I started digging deeper into the possible causes of sleep deprivation, which led me to a profound discovery...

We were all deficient in one vital mineral, which we never thought could be problematic...

Even more surprising is the fact that the majority of the population may have the same issue...

According to a recent study published by the The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 1 in 2 Americans are deficient in this crucial mineral, which is robbing them of their sleep and energy.

Magnesium deficiency is a world-wide problem!

Until then, I didn't know that magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation2.

Optimal magnesium levels are essential for improving sleep efficiency and duration, while helping encourage better sleep patterns3. It's essential for our brain to regulate sleep cycles.

It's also necessary for the production of energy, plays a role in calcium transportation for building healthy bones, and is critical for the production of the antioxidant glutathione4,5,6.

Basically, without magnesium, your body is unable to regenerate at night and create optimal sleep cycles.

But magnesium-rich foods aren't enough anymore...

How is it possible that nearly 2 billion people world-wide are suffering from this deficiency?7

The answer is simple, but truly disturbing.

Due to mass production and the commercial scale of the food industry, our soils are getting stripped of essential nutrients...

The food we eat these days grows on depleted soils that contain 50-80% less nutrients than just a hundred years ago8...

Meaning that even the best dietary choices aren't enough to achieve optimal levels of magnesium required for improved sleep quality and rejuvenation...

People have to supplement this mineral, but it's not as simple as the commercials make it look like.

Even if you go for a widely advertised supplement, you may still be at risk of staying deficient...

Which magnesium you choose matters:

During various medical conferences, I had the pleasure of interviewing some exceptional doctors...

Their advice was a game-changer in helping my family deal with sleep recovery and mineral deficiency. But it was just the beginning...

They helped me understand what makes a magnesium supplement truly worth it.

These highly accomplished doctors educated me on the 3 key factors to look for when picking a magnesium supplement

Not all magnesium is equal

Certain forms of magnesium, such as Magnesium Oxide, are less effective in dealing with deficiencies9... almost to the point of being useless.

If your magnesium supplement cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, it won't be absorbed effectively.

This is why millions of Americans take magnesium but show no improvement in their blood tests....

On top of that, most magnesium supplements are synthetic, making them harder for the body to recognize...

That's why you need to understand what benefits each ingredient in your formula offers:

From stress reduction and muscle relaxation to supporting healthy deep sleep cycles.

Chelated form for better absorption

This criterion is essential for the supplement to work as intended.

Chelated magnesium is more stable and bioavailable than other forms of magnesium10. It is more easily digested, and the body can use it more efficiently11.

It's also properly transported across intestinal walls, without causing a reaction, and dispersed via the bloodstream12.

However, it's extremely rare to come across a chelated magnesium supplement that's also affordable and rich in the right forms of the mineral...

That was my biggest struggle after already knowing these key factors...

Full-spectrum magnesium

Did you know that there are multiple forms of magnesium with their own unique properties?

Most products contain only one or two forms of magnesium, making them incomplete...

Some forms are absorbed more efficiently and are harder to come across than others.

This is why millions of people are supplementing magnesium daily, but are still deficient in it and do not feel any change from the supplement...

All because their solution addressed only one type of deficiency...

Despite their best efforts, the product they're taking may not work at all in many cases...

...Because only a complete magnesium complex that includes the right diverse forms of this mineral is able to tackle multiple magnesium deficiencies at the root.

I couldn't find the right supplement meeting these 3 criteria

Most supplements either didn't contain the right form of magnesium, or their formula does notcontain full spectrum magnesium....

Or the minerals didn't come in chelated form, meaning they would be absorbed poorly.

And whenever I'd come across a product that looked pretty reliable?

It was way too expensive to buy for the whole family.

It took me years to try out all the different forms of magnesium, and I tested virtually every product on the market...

But my search for the perfect blend continued...

That's why I consulted the best FDA-registered laboratory in the USA...To create the ultimate magnesium supplement to help promote healthy sleep patterns and reduce everyday fatigue:

With the 7 Most Potent Forms of Magnesium for Deep Restorative Sleep All-in-One Formula: